Costumer satisfaction is our establishment princible as POLERCLIPS. And our aim is to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level in the products and services that we provide; to manage customer feedback effectively; to create a quality management system that aims to make deliveries in time and that improve itself continuously.

Fundemental value of POLERCLIPS is human. All necessary training are planned at all levels in order for this value to be more effective and efficient. To increase education and social activities for continuous improvement; to create awereness in all segment of the society about the benefits of these activities and spread them to the base and to ensure the establishment and settlement of corporate culture in this way.

We create and implement the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, which is effective in all processes in our institution. It continuously monitor it's effectiveness and make the necessary improvements to meet and implement the applicable conditions in order to provide sustainable services at the level of international standards. Our quality policy is to provide continuity by improving our management systems in every aspect and to be a pioneer and exemplary organization in the PVC sector by providing the resources that the country and the world need in.

In the PVC industry, POLERCLIPS prioritizes quality service in line towards the principles of being reliable and preferred. And we serve with modern and technological equipment in accordance with internationally accepted standards, provides fast, error-free and precise results under the conditions agreed with the customer. We create a fast and effective working system by using technological opportunities in corporate communication with our suppliers and customers.

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